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Board of Directors:

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Libby Barnard

Springfield MO

Mark Satterwhite

Boonville MO

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Terry Blanks

Kansas City MO

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Jim Huffman

Kansas City MO

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Rachel Baskerville

Osage Beach MO

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Patty Goss

Springfield MO

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Kelly Ray

Marshall MO

About The Arc of Missouri


The Arc of Missouri is dedicated to promoting dignified community life and work for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

We are a growing network of self-advocates, support agencies, and families and friends who work to support and empower Missourians with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The Arc is the largest national organization, of and for, people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families, protecting their human rights, and actively supporting their full inclusion and participation in the community.

Our purpose at the Arc of Missouri is to assist people with developmental disabilities and their families in achieving the opportunity to realize their hopes and dreams.


We work toward this goal by:

  • Monitoring and responding to legislative proposals which impact the lives of individuals with developmental disabilities and their families;

  • Monitoring actions and policies of Missouri's Department of Mental Health, particularly the Division of Developmental Disabilities and working with them to create policies which enhance the quality of life for all Missourians;

  • Informing people with developmental disabilities and their families of our position on issues and encouraging action steps by them when appropriate, such as contacting legislators and the Division of Developmental Disabilities on particular issues and testifying at budget hearings.

  • Engage in educational and information-sharing opportunities which will contribute to an enhanced quality of life for all.

  • Working together, we can help build a better world for all.

Position Statements

The Arc of Missouri supports the Position Statements of the The Arc of the US. Find the full documents here:

This is a picture of a self advocae at th Capital.
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